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Louise Loughran |

Yes, Christmas is definitely on its way, but it can be an expensive time, especially this year with energy price rises and other cost of living pressures. Here at Furniture Store NI, we get it, that’s why we have run a Christmas club every year. Alongside our inhouse payment scheme.

There are no finance companies involved; we only ask for a deposit to reserve the item. You can then pay in instalments over the next few weeks and months. As long as all payments are made in time you can then collect or arrange delivery of the item just before Christmas. So you don’t need to try and hide it anywhere, we’ll store it for you.

So you don’t have to break the bank to get a new bed, sofa, hollywood station, or spend hours finding elaborate hiding places in your home for it! Plus, unlike a lot of online companies you can take great pride from buying from a local family run business, it means alot to us that you choose us.

Christmas Club is now, so give us a call or visit us instore to set up your account now!