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Best Sellers of 2022

Best Sellers of 2022 - Furniture Store NI

Louise Loughran |

Our Aliminium Pergola range!

Pergolas became hugely popular during lockdown.

while unable to move about as freely as we could normally, people chose to take some repreve in their gardens. To keep some social distancing they installed Pergolas and from there the popularity has just sky rocketed!


Not only does it add value to any property, its creates a new room essentially 

the possibilities are limitless....

  • Hot tub areas 
  • BBQ areas
  • Lounging areas
  • Washing areas 

with various sides available, sides and lightening all an option.

Pergolas are just growing every year!

Here at the Furniture Store NI we have become one of the main sellers and installers in Northern Ireland. We have built various partnerships over the years and offer a one stop shop.Grounds work, Pergola and hot tub all set up, worry free!


Feel free to contact a member of staff for any info.